In six steps, how I achieved my 2019 goals

Setting goals is really important for a happy and healthy life. 

I love a fresh start and a new year. A chance to set new goals and 12 months to achieve them. 

Plus a chance to reflect on how far you've come. Every year I set myself goals to achieve but I don't like to refer to these as 'New Year Resolutions' because my goals can be added to and adapted to at any point in the year. And last year I managed to complete all the goals I set myself.

I am a big believer in giving yourself goals or targets. It helps keep me motivated and reminds me why I do what I do. It's also good for my mental health and keeps me busy. 

These are a couple of tips I have on how I managed to achieve all my goals in 2019. 

A girl is wearing tartan trousers and writing on her iPad on a note book which reads 'Goals'

How to achieve your goals

1. Keep your goals achievable

There is no point setting yourself up for a fail by giving yourself an impossible task or even a goal that relies on another person. Make them things that are within your control.

2. Set deadlines for your goals

It's always a good idea to give yourself a deadline, whether that's a couple of months or a few years. I split mine into short term (3-6 months) and long term (6 months to one year). I then I write how I'm going to achieve these. It's all well and good saying "I'm going to get another job" but then just sit on your ass and hope a job falls into your lap. Your steps in this case could be "Update CV" or "Apply for 5 jobs a week". 

A girl with red nails is writing on a iPad which reads 'goals'

3. Re-educate yourself

For instance, one of my goals for last year was to sort out my finances. This required some re-education because the way I was previously managing my finances clearly wasn't working. So, I googled away, went to my bank, contacted debt companies, read books and looked online for ways that I could sort my finances out. If this happens to be one of your goals, I highly recommend The Financial Diet on Youtube and Instagram.

4. Carry your goals with you 

The more you remind yourself of your goals daily the more likely you will achieve them, science says so. Also on your worst days, it can remind you why you do what you do. You can also stick them on a wall or your fridge at home (if you frequent your fridge as much as I do). Or put them on a wallpaper of your phone or laptop or carry them around with you in a notebook/diary. Personally, I carry them on my iPad on an app called Paper, that I use to bullet journal.

5. It's ok to change your goals

I initially had lots of blog-related goals and then my mind frame and the things that were important to me, changed. Humans can be fickle creatures and it's ok if what was important to you a month ago is no longer important to you now. It shows that you are just evolving. Don't keep doing something just because you said you would.

6. It's ok to fail

All my goals, whilst important weren't essential to my happiness and if I didn't achieve them in the time I set, I knew it'd be ok. We are human and it's ok to fail. I think knowing that made it easier for me to achieve my goals because I knew that no matter what I would be ok. 


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