5 Beginning of the month rituals


The beginning of the month is always my favourite time. It feels like a fresh start. Fresh goals, budgets, plans and fills me with such optimism. So every month I tend to have the same routine of rituals I will do at the beginning of every month to set me up for the month ahead. 

1. Budget

Before the beginning of every new month, right after payday, I create my budget for the month ahead. I bank with Monzo because their budgeting tools are amazing and make it really easy to keep track of everything. 

If you haven't used Monzo before, they are an online bank and some of the benefits of using them are they have a great interactive app that you can use to budget. You set your budgets for various things like groceries, bills, shopping, transport, bills or personal care and Monzo then sends you notifications when it looks like you might be going over your budget for that set item. They also have saving pots that you can use to round up things spent on your card and you can lock the pot up until a certain date. Not an ad, I just really recommend them.

2. Finances

After my budgets are all set, it goes hand in hand to check my finances. My credit score gets refreshed at the beginning of every month and I check in with my finances and debts. 

I use the Clear Score app as it's really easy to navigate and use and updates you if there's anything that needs immediate action. It also helps to see the progress I'm making in paying off debts. 

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3. Journal goals, to do's and the month ahead

I'm a big advocate of a bullet journal. I tend to have a few on the go. I journal my goals and to do's at the beginning of every month, as well as check upcoming birthdays, appointments, events so I can plan out and organise my month ahead. 

It's also important to me to carve out days in my diary both when I'm busy but also when I can ensure I have time to keep on top of housework and have time to do the things I enjoy. Nothing makes me more anxious than non stop plans with no breaks in between because I know that just doesn't work for me. 

4. Digital declutter

I schedule in time at the beginning of every month to clear out my emails or unsubscribe from all those newsletters I never open so that I don't end up with 30,000 unread emails. I also make sure I clear my phone out of any apps I no longer use and delete some of the thousands of screenshots saved in my photo albums. Lately I've been also making sure I switch my passwords every month to ensure that all my information remains nice and secure. 

5. Food Shop

As I don't drive, I get a food shop ordered every month usually Morrisons or Tesco's and in this shop I order all the bulk items like tins, cat litter, jars and cleaning items. So then the rest of the month I just need to top up on the fresh items from shops that are within walking distance. 

What are your monthly rituals?

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